New Zealand Geographic Archive says my brain is safe!

NZ-geo-web1 (300x212)So apparently earwigs cannot actually eat your brain as your brain is protected by bone that it can’t get through, actually it won’t even get past your eardrum. This cheers me up no end as I have a hysterical reaction when things with wings go anywhere near my ears. Earwigs actually get their name from the shape of their wings which look like our ears. So all those B grade horror movies are purely fantastical.

Unfortunately grounded in the harsh reality of nature are the tongue biters that enter the mouths of snapper fish, suck their tongues dry of blood and then replace it. They then happily chew on parts of what the fish eats. So how did I know this? Well I heard all about this from a couple of short videos from the New Zealand Geographic Archive The archive gives you access to award-winning local content covering New Zealand’s places, people, wildlife and environment. The searchable content comes in the form of stories and images from 25 years of New Zealand Geographic and video ranging from 2 minute short films to multi-part one hour series. You can access all this content through the New Zealand Geographic Archive or through NZGeo TV which lets you search videos first. This is a proud New Zealand eResource which allows you to be entertained and increase your knowledge all at the same time in a package that is visually gorgeous. Have a peruse today!

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