Thomasin Sleigh: WORD Christchurch Writers and Readers Festival

WORD Christchurch Writers and Readers Festival kicks off on 27 August. We’ve asked three quick questions of festival guests:

Thomasin Sleigh – writer

Cover of We need new namesWhat (or who) are you most looking forward to at WORD Christchurch?

I’m really looking forward to hearing NoViolet Bulawayo talk about her book We Need New Names, not only because it is a fantastic book, but also because my family is from Zimbabwe (and many are still there), so I’m very interested to hear her perspective on the political situation there and how she approached translating this into literature.

What do you think about libraries?

Well, I work at the National Library of New Zealand and am the daughter of a librarian, so you could say I’m pretty pro-library! Free and easy public access to information through libraries is essential for an informed, empowered, critical, and active citizenry.

Cover of Ad LibShare a surprising fact about yourself.

I have a strange distaste for melted or too-soft ice cream, especially when it is made into a kind of ice creamy soup/gloop in a bowl. Goody goody gumdrops is the worst. Arg! Take from this what you will.

Syd Carter, barber and tobacconist shop : Picturing Canterbury

Syd Carter had a barber and tobacconist shop on the corner of Wilsons Road and Gamblins Road in St Martins. He was popular with the teenagers of the day as he was always willing to try something different. The older customers still wanted the ‘short back and sides’ but the younger ones wanted flat tops, mohawks, and DAs. 1960s, probably about 1965/6.        Kete Christchurch, PH13-420

Andrew Barrie: WORD Christchurch Writers and Readers Festival

WORD Christchurch Writers and Readers Festival kicks off on 27 August. We’ve asked three quick questions of festival guests:

Cover of Cardboard CathedralWhat (or who) are you most looking forward to at WORD Christchurch?

Unfortunately I’m an out-of-towner, and so am only able to be in Christchurch for my WORD session with Shigeru Ban and the launch of my book, Shigeru Ban: Cardboard Cathedral.

However, I’ll catch renowned architectural critic Reed Kroloff as he passes through Auckland. I’d love to be able to attend the Rebuilding Christchurch session with the Freerange Press folk. Barnaby Bennett and his team are making a fantastic contribution not just to the thinking behind Christchurch’s reconstruction, but to New Zealand’s architecture culture.

What do you think about libraries?

I teach at a university – the University of Auckland – so in a library almost everyday. I love the atmosphere of libraries. They emit a strong sense of accumulated intellectual energy, and it’s great to be in the company of the humming minds tapping into it. For me, it’s like being in the generator room of a power station.

Share a surprising fact about yourself.

I’m married to an Anglican priest. As a frequent writer on both Japanese architecture and New Zealand architecture, and having a strong church background, writing a book about the Cardboard Cathedral was the perfect assignment for me!

Lianne Dalziel: WORD Christchurch Writers and Readers Festival

WORD Christchurch Writers and Readers Festival kicks off on 27 August. We’ve asked three quick questions of festival guests:

Lianne Dalziel – Mayor of Christchurch

What (or who) are you most looking forward to at WORD Christchurch?

I’m really looking forward to winning the Great New Zealand Crime debate on 30 August!  I’m part of an amazing team, featuring Steve Braunias and Martin van Beynen.  The other team obviously won’t know what it is talking about when faced with our brilliant team!  The MC is the very clever and witty Joe Bennett, which will also be a highlight

What do you think about libraries?

A library is one of those core critical community assets, which not only connects us with the world of literature and information, but is also a place where people connect.  It is often the first place where new migrants go when they are looking to settle in to a new community.  Of course, there is also the free Wi-Fi on offer!

Share a surprising fact about yourself.

I believe my success in life was built on a foundation of a love of reading.  As a child, Mum would come in to my bedroom at night to turn off my light and once she left, I would switch on my torch and read under the blankets! I literally consumed books as a child, and I still do so when I get the chance.