Creating a visual symphony

coverI realised the other day that my environment is a bit of a blank canvas at the moment. My pictures and much loved pottery and porcelain are safely packed up, my garden has been a patch of mud. My usual pleasures of looking out at the Avon from my place of work, admiring the local architecture, or a quick trip to an art gallery in my lunch hour are no longer available. I’ve realised that what I need is a bit of aesthetic stimulation.

I’ve started with the garden, or at least part of it. The builders who repair my house will just have to work around it I have decided. A trip to the library revealed some excellent books on gardening with natives.

After browsing these I decided I want a green garden, so I  rounded up some books on foliage gardening as well. Now my garden is starting to look like a nice place to be. Yesterday I noticed my cat sitting in it for the first time since the quakes rather than heading off to the neighbours.

Next on the list is a look at CINCH to track down what art groups are still operating and a finding some nice art books and magazines to take home. I’m on the trail of  favourite galleries – again using CINCH (all contacts updated since the earthquakes.)

My CD player has been broken since February and somehow things like fixing the roof, getting drains cleared and tidying up my unfinished renovations have taken precedence. Not any more – once my player is fixed or replaced I’ll be into the library CD collection with a vengeance, starting with a trawl through the new CDs. I’m already accumulating a list of possibles on my ‘for later’ shelf.

In no time at all I’ll be sitting in my beautiful garden, browsing Art New Zealand and Artists Impressions of New Zealand, while I listen to some inspiring CDs and contemplating my next creative endeavour. Earthquake? What earthquake?

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